Saturday, May 14, 2011

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea Ryde

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea Ryde

Face Book invite:

An invitation is extended to all to join us for a morning of good cheer and entertainment. Elvis will be dropping in to sing some favourites and Alan Jones AO is our special guest speaker. Choirs from St Charles and Holy Cross will be performing. Also many stalls to entice you to buy. Schibello Coffee will be there to enjoy as many cups as you like. The Organising committee requests that you bring a cake or finger food to

Time: 9.30am to 1.30pm

When: Friday May 27th
Where: Holy Cross College Centenary Hall
Why: To raise funds for Cancer Council NSW for
research In the fight against Cancer:.
Entry:  $10
Need more info? Call Barbara 98094411 email
Co-hosts: St Charles Borromeo Parish St Charles Primary School and Holy Cross College